How to Leverage Your Sales Process.

It’s time to own this!

Here are some ways to LEVERAGE your sales process, your plan name and incorporate everything into your marketing:

  1. Public Relations: Get your name in the public eye. There are a lot of options for local and national attention here. You likely have your own, but if not, lean into me.
  2. Incorporate: Brainstorm all the ways your clients and prospects interact with you. Reviews, meetings, online, print, web, video, digital. This new name needs to appear everywhere and give an intentional, congruent feel across.
  3. Rebranding: Marketing pieces, brochures, your website, introduction kits (we call them “shock n awe” kits, more on that later), and all speaking materials need to reflect your new name.

You’re almost there. This is the last lap of your mile race. You’ve run hard so far. But we all know the last lap is where you see runners “kick” towards the finish line!

My challenge to you is to get every ounce of leverage out of all this hard work you’ve put in!