Am I Required to Volunteer?

Each and every person on my team is passionately and deeply involved.

Because, you see, if you & I worked together here underneath this roof – we’d both be contributing money and hours together at least four times every year. At a minimum, every single employee at Advisors Excel engages with our community quarterly, through one of about two dozen different organizations, giving back and lifting up.

We nicely started “requiring” this five years ago, and since then we’ve seen a crazy increase in employee satisfaction. If you did this, YOU’D see your culture get stronger and find even higher levels of employee retention. Key employees want to be part of something more than making money. There’s likely no single initiative we’ve undertaken that’s reaped as many benefits as our intentional community engagement.

That’s why I’m always excited when the top financial advisors in America want to talk charity with me; when they want to start a formal community engagement program inside their practice. The smartest ones out there know that giving back to their communities is also a strategic business project.

If your experience is anything like ours, you’re going to find that a community engagement program won’t only help meet real community needs, it’s also going to build trust in your community and in your business. When you do this right, client relationships grow deeper too.